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Kitchen Knives

Though they come in all shapes and sizes I named my kitchen knives after a good friend that tested my blades. April Nicolosi is a professional butcher that generally uses stainless steel blades in her daily routine. I asked if she would put my blades to the test and see how they compared to what she was currently using. The first knife I made her was the 6” boning knife with the blue synthetic handle. After using it, she came back and asked for a longer knife and made some suggestions to alter the handle shape. I made her the 8” breaking knife with the gray and black synthetic handle. She normally sharpened her knives daily on a knife steel but the 8” Breaking blade went five days without sharpening when she finally had to run it across the steel. At her last report it was still going strong after three more days of work. I appreciate April Nicolosi for using my blades and giving me input and suggestions so I can create the best performing kitchen knives available.


 A 5-piece kitchen set includes an 8” chef knife, 6” mini chef Knife, 4 ½” utility knife, 3” paring knife, and an 8” serrated bread knife. The 7-piece kitchen set includes all of the 5-piece set with the addition of an 8” breaking (carving) knife and a carving fork. The 2-piece carving set can also be ordered separately. Sets can reflect French, German, or Japanese styling and have numerous options of handle materials. The listed prices are for individual knives. We offer discounted prices when knives are ordered in a set.

Nicolosi 8" Chef Knife


The Nicolosi 8” Chef Knife is made from 1095 steel, perfectly heat treated to hold a razor-sharp edge, sharpen easily, and retain the perfect flexibility. Regardless of the style you choose the blade is 8” long and 2” tall with the blade tapering toward the tip. The handle can be customized for your desired look with a multitude of natural or synthetic materials. 


Knives pictured include San Mai (three layered contrasting steel) blades, English Brown Oak, Bog Oak, Dyed Stabilized Box Elder, Curly Koa, Red Canvas Micarta and Desert Ironwood.


Starting price $125.00

Nicolosi 6" Mini Chef Knife


Nicolosi 6” Mini Chef Knife is made from 1095 steel perfectly heat treated to hold a razor-sharp edge, sharpen easily, and retain the perfect flexibility. Regardless of the style you choose the blade is 6” long and 1 ½ to 1 3/4” tall with the blade tapering toward the tip. The handle can be customized for your desired look with a multitude of natural or synthetic materials.


Knives pictured include Bog Oak, Dyed Stabilized Box Elder, and Curly Koa.


Starting price $125.00

Nicolosi 4 1/2" Utility Knife


The Nicolosi 4 1/2” Utility Knife is made from 1095 steel and fits nicely in the hand for any kitchen chore. The handle can be customized for your desired look with a multitude of natural or synthetic materials.


Knives pictured include Bog Oak, Dyed Stabilized Box Elder, and Curly Koa.


Starting price $110.00

Nicolosi 3" Paring Knife


The Nicolosi 3” Paring Knife is made from 1095 steel and fits nicely in the hand for any smaller kitchen chore. The handle can be customized for your desired look with a multitude of natural or synthetic materials.


Knives pictured include English Brown Oak, Bog Oak, Dyed Stabilized Box Elder, Curly Koa, Osage Orange and Desert Ironwood


Starting price $100.00

Nicolosi 8" Serrated Bread Knife


The Nicolosi 8” Serrated bread Knife is available for knife sets only. I order in a Green River blade and attach a matching handle. I do not make this type of blade but thought it was an important piece to a complete set of kitchen knives.


Knives pictured include Bog Oak and Dyed Stabilized Box Elder.

Nicolosi 8" Carving (breaking) Knife


The Nicolosi 8” Carving (Breaking)Knife is made with 1095 steel and heat treated to stay sharp and retain flexibility at the tip. This knife is primarily for carving a roast, prime rib, or the Thanksgiving turkey but can be used to cut most anything in the kitchen. This knife will not follow the style (French, German, or Japanese) of the other kitchen knives but will maintain the style of a carving knife designed to slice meat. 


Knives pictured include High Desert Mountain Mahogany, Bog Oak, Curly Koa, and Desert Ironwood.


Starting price $125.00

Nicolosi 6" Boning Knife


The Niolosi 6” Boning Knife is another in this line made with 1095 steel and heat treated to stay sharp and retain flexibility at the tip. This knife will not follow the style (French, German, or Japanese) of the other kitchen knives but will maintain the style of a carving knife designed to slice meat. The handle can be customized for your desired look with a multitude of natural or synthetic materials.


Knives pictured include stabilized English Brown Oak with red G10 liners


Starting price $125.00

Nicolosi Kitchen Kinfe Sets

5-Piece set includes:

-Nicolosi 8" Serrated Bread Knife

-Nicolosi 8" Chef Knife

-Nicolosi 6" Mini Chef Knife

-Nicolosi 4 1/2" Utility Knife

-Nicolosi 3" Paring Knife


7 Piece set includes:

-Complete 5 piece set

-Complete Carving set


Nicolosi Carving Set

Carving set includes:

-Nicolosi 8" Carving Knife

-Carving Fork

Steak Knife Set (8-piece set)


For the steak knife set I order in pre-made blades and put custom handles on them. A 4-piece set can also be purchased for $125


Knives pictured include: Black canvas micarta



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